Hello bloggers and readers. Last week and this week has been a bit hectic but I am glad to say I have accomplished a lot since the last blog post! For the project, I made two little prototype heads out of brown sculpey clay that I picked up from Michaels, to show Richburg and my critique people to get a good grip of what I'm doing before I actually start. I used the prototypes for the critique. I honestly think I'm behind because I had to make the prototypes but I've made the structures for the original sized pieces. I think I have a pretty good size but I'm going to ask Richburg if I should go bigger (not trying to get a bad grade here lol).Currently just waiting on the clay for it. I got some pretty good feedback about my prototypes though. Some of the students suggested that if I want one head to be a man and one head to be a woman, emphasize the facial features like the jawline etc. so that both people don’t look the same. Also, different facial expressions to show their emotion.

Richburg also suggested that I should make two ceramic heads and make smaller ones to go around it like the prototypes I made, just in case the two big ones blow up. But I want to stick to my original idea using the polymer clay because I believe I can do it will turn out either gooood or better then I expected. I can still add the little prototypes though. It can maybe take the place of the gif. 

I've been thinking about it and I think that the gif could be cool and all but we are running low on time and I don't think I will even be able to get to that aspect of the project. That's why I saved it for last because its not a finalized decision in my head and it can easily be taken out of my thesis. If I don't get to it, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. How the gif would/could have been displayed is still lingering in my mind as well. 

But back to my heads, I want them to be displayed on two pedestals like 6 inches away from each other. If I was to make the smaller heads I would either circle the bigger heads with them or make them their own pedestal. My heads will be painted so no, not all of them are going to be brown. That's why I asked for white clay so I can manipulate it how I want. If you haven't read my other blog posts, I'm using little LED lights for the eyes. I don't know if I should attach them before or after I bake them. Any suggestions? I also don't know how they are going to light up without being plugged in...I'll have to research more on that! 

Artist Research:

On YouTube I watch this guy Alex's channel named guldies. He does animation and sculpture. His sculpture pieces are done with polymer and he demonstrates them step by step. 

I also watch another youtuber named Jake Corrick. He makes videos using fine art materials and creative techniques from the Jacksons art supply companies.


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