Hello everyone.. I know I'm really late on this but I wanted to make sure I had a before and after for the project before I uploaded anything. So here is where we are! I'm currently trying to finish up the second large head. I'm pretty proud of where I'm standing so far though. My goal before we go back to school on January 2nd is to have all 6 heads (yeah I decided to do 6: 2 small, 2 medium, and 2 large) completed with hair and everything on. The only additional work I want to be doing when we go back is minor details.
Everything is going fine with the initial design, I'm still not entirely sure about the laser lights or how to attach them at all. But, when we had our 2/3 process critique, my partners gave me some great interesting feedback. They said I can use red yard as an alternative to the laser lights to attach to the eyes of the sculptures. It wouldn't be as cooool as the lasers could have been, but I think the final production will be about the same. Saves money too :) Another student also suggested that as the sculptures get smaller they should have less expression and facial features to show how they are affected by the judgement and how it erases their personality. I made sure I wrote it in my notes so I wont forget (because I forget like 10 times a day) and to keep that in consideration as I push forward.
I'm still following up with Zajkov's work for reference but I have also developed my own style from doing these I actually want them to look a little cartoonish or like the wooden African statues. That's what another member of my 2/3 critique group realized so why not use that as inspiration too? I have some in my house (yes I am african..) and they're all very unique. There are no particular wood carvers in the United States but when I visited Liberia, I witnessed the process. Heres a picture for reference.
Oh another thing, I'm painting the clay after baking and before I attach the hair with my E6000 glue so they all have different skin-tones :). The hairstyles are going to be pretty fun if I say so myself so if your reading, you should come back to view the final product :)
Before the break
Currently (during the break):
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